Today is New Year's Eve, 2009 (thank goodness it's almost over!) and I'm sitting here pecking out the last blog entry of the year before 2010 is ushered in. I used to make a list of resolutions to faithfully follow that I would end up butchering a week later whether it would be saving money, losing weight, eating healthier, bla bla bla...I was never really good at keeping resolutions. Last year I remember resolving not to make any resolutions, maybe I jinxed myself by doing that so I'm going to make one resolution this year...
I, Mr. Bellasarius Macabre, do hereby resolve for the year of our Lord 2010, to henceforth live not in tomorrow, but to live in the today.
Now, what does that mean? I was thinking while driving the other day about a resolution, should I go vegan? Should I join a gym? Should I go all organic? Lots of things that are truly good things, but then I realized that I would envision myself doing those good things in a future life, ie: tomorrow.
Therefore, nothing would ever happen because I would do it tomorrow. I started thinking again, that it's kind of like living in the "if onlys", 'if only I had this tool I could build that', 'if only I had a weight set I could train', 'if only I were, had, yadda yadda yadda, then I could la tee da'.
If I wanted to lift weights I could fill 2 milk jugs up with water and that would work. I realized that procrastination is my bedfellow and he lives in tomorrow. I'm reminded about my late aunt Flora who died of cancer 2 years ago, she always lived in tomorrow. We hauled out 50,000.00 dollars worth of clothes to the Salvation Army (her wishes) that still had tags on them. She had stacks and stacks and stacks of magazines neatly categorized for when she would use them...tomorrow. I was given a complete set of expensive china for 8 that was going to be used someday and when I took it out of the pasteboard box, it was wrapped in newspaper from 1976. It hadn't seen the light of day since then, and the company has long since folded. But someday it was going to be used, but I doubt she expected it to be by her eccentric 40-something macabre nephew.
My resolution is to quit procrastinating and living in tomorrow and someday and to start doing and living today.
I'd like to hear some of your resolutions too! One of mine is straightening up and organizing the shop...

Aw #@$%&, I'll do THAT next week!