Sunday, November 16, 2008

And now for something completely different...

I read in someone else' blog an entry on Renaissance photoshopped monsters on Worth 1000. While I was in good intentions to pass on this information, I found this...

(sorry, I haven't learned how to make a link yet so you'll have to cut and paste)

Words cannot express how I loathe cute adorable figurines of children so it does my heart good to see anyone with a sick and twisted sense of humor to desecrate them.

Enjoy, and do be sure to look up Halloween in the galleries and look through the contest entries that they have, the Death on vacation series as well as the renaissance series on monsters, superheroes and the like are wonderful

1 comment:

"Bones" said...

I see you're having trouble creating links in your posts. Here's how. (It's super easy).
Cut and paste this into your post...

The full web address (including http://) goes between the quotation marks. The word you want people to actually click on (link, click here, here, etc.) goes between the > <'s.
That's it. Let me know if you have any trouble. (I remember how long it took me to learn that.)