Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Site for Sore Eyes--Phantasmechanics!

Betcha didn't know that I am a Phantasmechanic, didja?  You might not have ever heard of Doug Ferguson but I bet that most haunters have heard of and built a Flying Crank Ghost (otherwise known as a FCG to us haunt geeks). Doug Ferguson is the inventor of the Flying Crank Ghost and I would dare say the father of modern home haunting.  You NEEEEEEEED to traipse on over to Phantasmechanics.com and start sifting through the many, many pages of fascinating information and plans for Hallowe'en animatronics.  This is a MUST.

Oh, and by the way, I said that I was a Phantasmechanic, didn't I?  Scroll on down until you see a link on Harry the Hitcher, yep, that's yours truly.  That was the first incarnation of Harry before he got a makeover.  There's tons of other props there as well as safety hints and my favorite...The Dark Ride Project, the House of Shock made a dark ride from scratch...fascinating reading.

And yes, I'm an uber haunt geek!

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