Along a little road lies a sleepy little town called Carrollton. Carrollton is one of those towns that you would think that Mayberry would look like, a throwback to the Cold War days where fallout shelter signs still exists.
In the center of the town is the old courthouse, recently restored. Everything seems peaceful, tranquil, serene, WTF IS STARING AT ME IN THAT WINDOW?!?!?!!!Welcome to Carrollton, Alabama, home of the Face In The Window. Although several different stories with varying degrees of embellishment surround the legend of the Face, this is the "official" historical statement...
Of course, the legends and stories are far more colorful and interesting. Legend have it that every window has been broken out of the courthouse by hail, but this one always remains. It is said that the window has been replaced time and time again and the image reappears each and every time...Some say that the condemned man proclaimed his innocence and that he would look down on the town in eternal judgement if he was hanged; lightning striking wildly in a freak thunderstorm that comes from nowhere as he peers out the window at the bloodthirsty crowd, a bolt hitting the courthouse glass, creating the ghostly image that looks over the new courthouse across the street in eternal judgment to this day. Two radio personalities were allowed to go up to the attic of the courthouse and they reported that the image was invisible from the inside.
As I have said before , sometimes I rather like not knowing.
When you're down Alabama way, near the west-central area, take the 15 mile detour from US 82 from Gordo to Carrollton and say hello to Henry Wells at the top of the old courthouse window, he'll be glad you did.............