I love this woman. Yes, I freely admit it and I feel great about it, I love Little Debbie. Last night someone brought some Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pies. Greedily I snatched them and held them close to my bosom, petting them while whispering, 'don't worry my precioussssssss, we won't let's the nasty little peoplesssssssss get you.'
Apparently, I'm not alone. There is a cult following of Little Debbie and her confectionaries of trans-fat laden, sugar loaded goodness. So my question to you is....
If you have a preference, what is your favorite Little Debbie snack?
As for me, one of those double decker oatmeal cream pies is akin to sex.
Oatmeal Cream Pies are the true breakfast of champions! Frozen Nutty Bars run a close second.
My 5 yr old nephew was at a kid's tea party, and they had cut up Little Debbie cupcakes into fourths to serve with the tea...when telling about this he said "and they made the cutest little Petit-philes..." (of course, meaning petit-fours)
OOOhhh, nutty bars DO run a close second. Must try them frozen!
Oooh....I'm partial to Fudge Rounds and Swiss Rolls myself...yummers. I've been good though, and haven't given in to this 'Bad but yet so Good Temptress' in many years. I may have to get a box tonight though. She's such an evil gal that Little Debbie!
I think that I had a Swiss Roll every day in my lunch box during high school. I love them!
Ha...I bought one every day for lunch in the snack bar that the school so wisely choose to offer as an alternative to the nutritious hot lunch line and salad bar! Told my Mom I was eating green beans for lunch! :o)
This year is Little Debbie's 50th anniversary. I have been eating my favorite, now called Jelly Creme Pies, back in the day called CoCo Jels, since I was about two, or in other words 45 or so of those 50 years. They've gotten smaller, fewer to a box, and strawberry (flavored) jelly instead of raspberry (real), but they remain the bomb.
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