Yes, I've been rather reclusive lately. I didn't do a haunt in 2012 or 2013 and it's starting to wear on my nerves. I NEED some haunting in my life so today I stepped back into the workshed, fired up the heaters so I wouldn't freeze and started to work...
But before that, I think that I mentioned in my earlier post that I had some new parts put in last year. My dear Dr. Frankenstein saw that my spine had some problems and screwed some new parts into me...
One word...OUCH! It's been a long PAINFUL recovery and I'm still not 100% healed but it's getting there. I would definitely advise against it unless you absolutely must have it, but if you're a masochist, you'll be in heaven for many many months.
But what you're looking for is Hallowe'en stuff and here's what I worked on today...
I held my breath and plugged it in, it worked! Now all that is lacking is my favorite part of it, the decorating...and wheels!
More to come.