Thursday, March 12, 2009

Illuminated Crystal Ball Stand, Part 1

Youtube said that the original version was too long so I broke it up. This is my first attempt at a how-to video. This also is my Mr. Macabre voice because I'm too nice of a guy to subject you to my Southern twang. Besides, I can get into character more being Mr. Macabre.

And I really didn't know what I was doing, I was making up everything as I went along.


Diane said...

you are tooooo funny! the first part was just a hoot! good how-to! thanks!

(oh, and cooool creepy voice! lol!)

Anonymous said...

Is it wrong to say that my favorite part (aside from all the learning I did) was watching you toss stuff over your shoulder to the floor? Hehe, that cracked me up every time you did it. Great tutorial! I'm headed off to watch part 2 now!

Carrie Mae said...

You're PRECIOUS! Omg.

Also, I was trying to read this last night as you were trying to edit it. :) It was driving me nuts! I thought my phone was breaking when it couldn't load the video, then couldn't write a comment, then couldn't find the blogger page.

Cheers to you for being brave enough to be on camera. I would be too nervous.

Mr. Macabre said...

Thanks everyone, I appreciate it! I have an idea or two for some more tutorials for props that I'll have to do. It was actually a lot of fun in spite of the fact that I am usually painfully shy believe it or not.

Anonymous said...

I found your site while searching for diet recipes, of all things! I too am a 24/7 Halloween afficionado. Great blog!

Mr. Macabre said...

Thank you so very much!