Friday, August 20, 2010

Woodworking for OUR kind of people!

Props season SHOULD be in full swing for y'all now (whaaaaaaaat?  I promise I'm starting today!) and maybe grandpa or dad want to help with Hallowe'en this year in their woodshop.  Maybe they're not really into making a coffin and they're not really that great at corpsing, then The Winfield Halloween Woodcrafter's Collection  may help you out.
Most are cute, and some are doggone witty...
I like skeletons, the last one is just rude.  He would be out ALL year in the FRONT yard!
I've got this pattern although I haven't put it to use yet.  He looks bad@$$ with the cowboy hat.

While looking through their online catalog, they have some patterns that incorporate animation, optics and lighting!  Absolutely perfect for anyone who may want to consider trying some animation in their yard designs!

Worth checking out!

The Winfield Collection Home Page

1 comment:

ShellHawk said...

That third one looks like he'll lean over any second and say, "Hey kid! Wanna make some money? Take this little package and..."

Great patterns!