Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hallowe'en Countdown--Day -17 Days--Pullin' Out the Big Guns

This little gem is part of a show that scared the %#$@& out of everyone that saw it back in 1975.  All the stars and the planets lined up when they made this one.

First Part...

Second Part...

I have a copy of the Zuni warrior doll.  It literally gives me the creeps still.


Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Really? You have a copy of that doll?!? That is sweet. That show totally scared the crap out of me as a kid!!

Wow, having a doll in the house would totally give me the creeps!


Wings1295 said...

I had always heard about that movie & especially that segment, but never saw it. Thanks for that! It is creepy and even scary!

Pam Morris said...

geez, I remember this movie now...scared the blankety blank out of me...not sure I want to watch it again--well, maybe with a big bowl of popcorn, etc., etc.!!!

Stephanie D said...

I'd forgotten all about this--but dang, somewhere in my nightmares, I remember....