Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Weight Watchers Update...

And the verdict is...218.2?! &%$#@!!! Oh well, at least I held my own, didn't lose any but then again, didn't gain any.

Of course, being totally stressed out yesterday didn't help when I did serious damage to a pack of Rolos and a pack of peanut M & M's. After that, it was 'oh what the hedoublehockeysticks, fire up the grill, we're having a steak and mac and cheese'.

Was totally mentally stressed yesterday, I guess it was just hormones (yes, men get them too). What didn't help was that I had an appointment yesterday with a new customer and when I got there she had scheduled my competitor to give her an estimate AT THE VERY SAME TIME! Lots of nervous laughter, lots of uncomfortable smiles, lots of promises to myself to grab the bottle of absinthe when this day was over...


Diane said...

hey, if you ever need a friend to help you with that bottle of absinthe ring me up! :)

hope you have a better day today!

Mr. Macabre said...

Thank you very much! I have to be careful with the absinthe, it's made with Everclear and vodka with the wormwood and other lovely probably toxic fun stuff. But...WOW DOES IT EVER MAKE A BAD DAY GOOD! WOO HOOOOOO!

Ghoul Friday said...

There was something in the air, yesterday...some sort of invisible fog that made people ravenous. I too was an unstoppable snacking machine. Don't beat yourself up about it too much.

And what nerve she had inviting two people to offer bids without letting them know the other would be there!