Monday, November 16, 2009

Celebration of Peace and Coexistence

Diane of Good Mourning Glory is hosting a week of the Celebration of Peace and Coexistence.  In this day and age, what the h e doublehockeysticks is that?! The answer is something that we all need in abundance right dang well now!  As we come into the holiday season, she has asked some (including yours truly) to reflect on the traditions that we have held and any thoughts that we may have on holiday season. 

Go take a look all this week, mine is on Wednesday and see how others have celebrated the holidays with their friends and families. 


Diane said...

you always make me smile! you have such a way with words! :)

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

How fantastic. I will definately be checking it out.


Anonymous said...

Stopping by from Diane's place after reading your guest post. It was wonderful and what great traditions. Well done :) And Mahalo for sharing :)

Liz Mays said...

I really loved what you had to say about changing up traditions. I am caught up in the spirit now, but when I see the first trees in August, I just get ticked.