I ordered this:

What I got was this...
Now it is MY fault to assume that Boney was going to be printed on 80 pound paper as Frankenstein's monster was, but the paper that it was printed on was much thinner than regular photocopy paper and the quality of the printing is poor at best, almost as if the toner was about to be depleted...There were no glowing parts as described in the advertisement but I will say shipping was fast. For $17.95 not including shipping, I do not feel this was worth the money spent.
So now you know how to make up your own minds to whether you would like to patronize this merchant or not because I do, like Fox News, try to be fair and balanced, and evil but that's another story.
This is why your Mom never let you buy the stuff from the back of those magazines, Mr. Macabre. Sorry about the crappy skeleton, but I'm chuckling just the same...sometimes a boy has to learn the hard way.....
lol :-)
Poopies! How disappointing!
"like Fox News, try to be fair and blanced, and evil..."
You know, that really would sum them up.
(No one hit me - I can totally hate on Fox News as they are technically the competition where I work!)
You got ripped, Mac...I remember seeing those ads as a kid, and always wondered what it was that you really got for the money...thanks for sacrificing your hard-earned jack, so I could find out!
WOW! Thats even worse then I expected it to be. It probably would have been better quality if you had bought it back in 1975.
Dave the Dead is probably right, moms are just smart like that.
Oh yeah, Dave, that's so true! I can still hear my mother saying "I'm not spending money on that junk!".
And she was right.
And Carrie Mae, I LOATHE Fox News. If you have to say fair and balanced...you ain't!
And does Boney look a bit, well, effeminant? For some reason the terror of his hideous boney visage is woefully overshadowed by him looking like he is saying "Hey girrrrrrrrrls!"
I was doing some telephone telemarketer's survey when I read "Love you bitches" and I nearly lost it!
Wow....you were robbed Mr. M!
I can just hear your Mama in the background, saying..."I told you so"!
Sorry man....that just ain't right! :o(
You got ripped off.
The picture would have made me suspicious. But hey, SOMEONE has to be the test subject that actually buys one to officially warn the rest of us ;)
thanks for the warning. i would send it back pronto.
Hey I get this items sent to me in bulk to keep the cost down...I pay over $11.00 for one scince I only print them one at a time upstate NY. Mr Macabre I am surprised you never told me about this before you posted anything about me. You did get 80lb stock that is what the printer told me. Anyway I will send you another one for free even throw in Frankie...But please be fair I did not know it looked that bad...You are right maybe the toner was low...
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