From Carrie Mae:
"What You'll Find There... Thursday Halloween Book reviews, A love of Halloween, and the perfect touch of southern charm
This Blogger... is ridiculously endearing
You Should Check It Out If... you enjoy humor, home, and Halloween all rolled up in one place
Mr. Macabre is one of my favorite readers and definitely one of my favorite bloggers. Maybe it's because he lives a state over and I enjoy his occasional southernisms, maybe it's because he writes things like "H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks!" when I would be cussing up a storm, but whatever it is I find his blog unbelievably engaging and (hopefully he won't be offended by this word) completely endearing.
Mr. Macabre's Hallowe'en Cerebrations is aspirational for me - it blends home and holiday seamlessly. His love of good food, tasty desserts, posts about his garden and Halloweeny decor make his blog indispensable to my reading list: he makes having Halloween-home seem so happy and normal. :)
I recommend... his Halloween/Haunted Book reviews (which happen around Thursday each week) and this post (hope you don't find it too gross; I find it terribly amusing)"
Much to my sinister and overtly evil surprise, I was awarded The Monthly Blogger to Die for Award by Her Dark Worship Carrie Mae and her deviously delightful blog Creepy Cupcakes!
Completely endearing? I strive for that, alongside diabolically evil of course.
All I can say is thanks and that truly appreciate this award!
congrats on the award! lucky for me, i already knew how terrific you are!
Wow, could not have said that better myself. Your blog is one of my favorites. Thanks so much for sharing....looking forward to Thrusday!!!
You totally deserve it! Your blog is everything Carrie said it is. Congrats, and you'll always be diabolically evil to me.
Awww gee folks, thanks a lot! It's a lot easier being diaboliacally evil with friend's and fiend's support!
:) Tee-hee. You are so adored.
And rightfully so.
Congrats Mr Macabre! You deserve it! Keep your devilish work!
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