The Hallowe'en garden has been growing like it was on speed. Strangely enough, the gourds that I planted and nursed and cared for in the other garden aren't doing that well. These were from seeds that I threw out last year and forgot about. I've got baby gourds and everything!
I never really was a fan of hydrangeas but their blue flowers get larger and more beautiful each year. The Angel's Trumpet usually makes an early season appearance before coming into massive bloom in August, filling the air with a wonderful scent. I have heard that they are hallucinogenic but I haven't tried them.
And tons o' basil...I'm a sucker for homemade pesto!
O.K., so what you need to do is get yourself some buffalo mozzarella, basalmic vinegar, olive oil, and some home-grown tomatoes. Slice the tomatoes, slice your log of mozzarella and alternate tomato slices with the mozzarella. Add a touch of basalmic vinegar, a touch of olive oil, and top it with finely chopped fresh basil.
I'm telling you, it's heaven on a plate!
And I used to have a trumpet flower. Loved it, but I'm too far north now for it to survive. Don't try the flowers, it's the wrong variety for hallucinogenic trips. And the right variety is really risky, too.
your garden is magical. all i see is grossness when i look outside. i don't think i belong in detroit. can i come stay with you?
What a beautiful garden. so jealous! You take amazing pictures!!!
I agree with SehllHawk on both items....try "heaen on a plate" - I would add a glass of wine to that, but that is just me.
Angel Trumpet (Datura) is very posinous, especially to kids. I miss mine also, it lasted three years after the move from southern CA and then it died, even with me bringing it in every year. I do miss it. One of my favorite plants.
Thanks again for sharing the lovely pictures.
Lovely. Our veggie garden is growing like crazy.
You're garden looks so cozy and wonderful!
Also, check it out: for you
Cheers, sir!
Your garden looks fabulous! I'm beginning to think I'm the only person on the planet incapable of growing basil. And Shellhawk's suggestion with the tomatoes and mozza: it is delicious! :D
Its all that great rain we've been getting lately. I wish it would come back to Florida.
I agree don't eat or drink The Angel's Trumpet, every year I hear about some kid that died from trying it. Just Say No
Your garden is beautiful. I can almost smell that basil through the computer. We love our basil too. And our Garden has gone gang busters as well due to all the rain. I am also in the deep south...Florida is about as far south as you can get I guess...ha! In fact, we are currently hatching a big batch of caterpillars, soon to be Black Swallowtails and Monarchs! I'll have to post some pics soon. They are eating us out of house and home.
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